mercredi 3 décembre 2008

the wheeling love

My sister's situation makes me write this.

Love is a wheel that two lovers activate and speed fill with their dreams...

Wheel turns and turns, and the centrifugal force expels what was not true.

Then the wheel slow down to turn finally back...

Love become misunderstood,

Misunderstood become anger,

Anger become hate...

Hate is a wheel that two lovers pushed with false dreams...

Where is your dream, where is your love ?

Did you dreamt enough, enough strongly ?

Did you prerared your life to recieve the dream ?

Did you prepared your heart to recieve the wheel of love ?

Love is a wheel that runs out of his axe if pushed wrongfully...

Clean your heart and tears will dry,

Care of yourself and pain will desapear,

cultivate your smile and your joy


It is possible, even in the toilets,

and your secret garden will flower again

Of the flowers that you missed.

And I promise this to you.

your flowers will be more beautiful. Because love is a wheel-phoenix…

1 commentaire:

Jeffe Castan a dit…

Les hommes, dans leur profond, savent tous combien supèrieures sont les femmes...
Mais au lieu d'apprendre d'elles, ils préfèrent les dominer, les écraser, les soumettre...
Marque des faibles, s'il en est...

Vous avez raison, les hommes doivent...

Men, in their deep, all known how superior are women...
But instead of learning from them they prefer to dominate them, to crush them, to subject them...
Mark of the weak, if there's some...

You are right, the men must...