vendredi 3 juillet 2009


Black on black

The desert of the sentiment

Echoes to the waves of the pulse.

Blood on blood

As many interlaced dimensions

That push over all the golden limits.

Pollution on our ground

When false cover the reality

Reality rebels and shows its fangs.

Black on black

The mirror reflects nothing else

Than a dark crystal hung at the highest branch.

mardi 30 juin 2009

Optimism is not a quality, it is a faith.

And faith dies when reality is too harsh.

Reality doesn't mean anything without truth.

Truth disappears the day we are not able to accord our acts and our dreams.

Dreams fade away the day the reality shows a different face than what is really going on...

A planet that dies...

Une planète qui se meurt…

« Combien de personnes sont réellement conscientes du devenir de notre humanité sur la planète Terre?
Sans doute pas suffisamment pour que changent les comportements de ceux qui l'habitent. Trop près de leurs soucis au quotidien, et combien en ont-ils... peuvent ils encore réagir.
Il faut du bois pour faire du feu, mais les derniers arbres ont été abattus... La savane s'est transformée en désert ! »

Ecrit par Jacques Gossart sur la page de « Nous Resterons Sur Terre »

C'est une véritable course contre la montre qui s'est engagée il y déjà pas mal de temps, et le final se rapproche...

La majorité des gens qui habitent cette planète sont bien loin d'avoir ce niveau de conscience.

Et les états qui les gouvernent ne sont pas étrangers à cet engourdissement de l'esprit.

Si notre planète en arrive à ce point extrême de remise en cause d'une grande partie du vivant, seule une poignée d'entre nous en sont les vrais responsables.

Dictant aux masses des "art de vivres" suicidaires, ceux à qui nous avons donné le pouvoir de décision drainent les richesses à eux, sans aucune sorte de retenue.

Mais NOUS TOUS sommes responsable de cet état de fait.

Nous avons donné le pouvoir à des fous avides.

En choisissant toujours et encore l'option de la plus grande facilité, nous avons donné ce pouvoir de décider de nos vies aux politiciens et leurs maitres les grands argentiers.

Quel geste de notre quotidien ne dépend pas d'eux ?

Même le sexe est sous control !

Notre santé dépend des GRANDS groupes pharmaceutiques, alors qu'une bonne hygiène de vie (physique et mentale) suffirait à nous éviter une grande partie de nos « maladies »

Notre nourriture dépend des GRANDS groupes agro alimentaires, alors qu'il suffirait d'avoir des petites productions agricoles près de chez nous.

Notre culture (savoir et distraction) dépend des GRANDS groupes de média alors qu'il suffit d'ouvrir les yeux pour apprendre et se distraire.

Notre santé mentale dépend de ce que la « société productrice » nous injecte comme « drogues » anesthésiantes (Télé – consommation compulsive – Loterie nationale - … etc.)

Même notre affectif et notre sexualité subissent les altérations de ce monde que nous laissons faire.

Nous ne savons plus aimer sur la durée. Seule l'excitation nous motive. Notre sexualité a perdue sa spiritualité au profit du plaisir physique et immédiat.

Nos modes de comportement deviennent si erratiques et absurdes que collectivement, nous pouvons être assimilé à une société schizophrène.

D'après wikipedia (extrait)

« Les schizophrénies sont des pathologies psychiatriques d'évolution chronique, …/… Elles ont pour conséquence des altérations de la perception de la réalité (délire), des troubles cognitifs, et des dysfonctionnements sociaux et comportementaux plus ou moins importants. … »

La société des hommes n'a-t-elle pas des dysfonctionnements sociaux et comportementaux ?


Nos comportements détruisent notre planète, et nous n'en avons qu'une !!!

A planet that dies...

«How many persons is really aware the future of our humanity on the planet Earth?

Doubtless not enough to change the behaviour of those who live in it. Too much focused on their concerns in everyday life's problems, and how much they have... can they still react?

Some wood is needed to light the fire, but the last trees were shot down... The savannah was transformed into desert! "

Written by Jacques Gossart on the page of " We Shall Stay On Earth "

It is the real race against the clock which started already quite a long time ago and the final gets closer...

The majority of people who live in this planet are indeed far from having this level of consciousness.

And the states which govern them are not foreign to this dullness of mind.

If our planet arrives so close to the extreme point of threaten most of the alive there, only a handle of us are the true people in charge.

Dictating to the masses some "lifestyle" with suicidal tendencies, those to whom we gave the power of decision drain the wealth to them, without any sort of restraint.

But WE ALL are responsible for this established fact.

We gave the power to eager madmen.

Always by choosing and still the option of the biggest ease, we gave this power to decide on our lives to the politicians and their financial master.

What gesture of our everyday life does not depend on them?

Even sex is under control!

Our health depends on BIG pharmaceutical groups, while a good healthy life (physics and mental) would be enough to avoid us a big part of our "diseases"

Our food depends on BIG agribusiness groups, while it would be enough to have small agricultural productions near to us.

Our culture (knowledge and entertainment) depends on BIG media groups while it is enough to open eyes to learn and amuse.

Our mental health depends on what the «producing society" injects us as anaesthetic "drugs" (TV - compulsive consumption - national Lottery - etc.)

Even our emotional and our sexuality undergo the distortions of this world which we let grow.

We do not know anymore how to love on the duration. Only the excitement motivates us. Our sexuality lost its spirituality for the benefit of the physical and immediate pleasure.

Our modes of behaviour become so erratic and absurd as collectively, we can be likened to a schizophrenic society.

From wikipedia (extract)

"The schizophrenia are psychiatric pathologies of chronic evolution, / … They have for consequence of the changes of the perception of the reality (frenzy), cognitive disorders, and more or less important social and behavioural dysfunctions. …"

Does not the society of the men have social and behavioural dysfunctions?


Our behaviour destroys our planet, and we have only one of it!!!

lundi 29 juin 2009


a lifetime that ends
memories ar smashing
on forgeting walls.
give away
throw away
no regret
I hate what I am leaving

at the end, nothing left.

The nude girl... and the dummy

She sings songs of a glamorous spirit that drive crazy the audience...

But behind this posture is a bottomless solitary...

Many, as her, bare their outside extremely

To hide the loneliness of the unsatisfied dream...

As so many, she creates stories and multiplies paths,

Existing through quantity, instead of perfection.

She tells the fantasy of what she can't create

And the other side of the mirror sometimes

Jumps in the reality.

She sings the song of her failure,

Splintered by the blade reflecting

In the eyes of whom she attracts.

She sings the song of her hope,

Thinking songs never come true.

Nobody told her, that instead of a crowd of vultures,

She better sings to the universe her song of perfection.

Here is the mirror that will reflect her real dimension:


And then, all the dummies will sing their own song.


Look, my friend! Look at the sky... A new day awakes of a poor light.

As reality doesn't really exist. Only the immaterial swing of our meanings

Shapes the real. And all our lies we pretend as truth re-organizes the skein of our life.

Reality doesn't exist, only the untruth... And it spays on the day a colour of the opacity...

We lie...

to all each others,

to our friends more to our enemies,

to our past so to our future,


we lie finally to ourselves.

Look, my friend, look at the eyes... A new mirage's awake of a poor truth.

As sentiment doesn't really exist. Only our believe build our faith,

Only our faith elevates our perfection. So look how we aren't firm believers!

We hear the noise of our agony and confuse it with God's speaking.

And we confuse our fantasy with the reality. Fantasy can modulate the reality,

But only through our act. If our acts are false, then we lie to hide our fail,

To accord our present to fit our dream. Coz we are nothing, we do not exist.

We just dream ourselves.

We lie...

to all each others,

to our friends more than to our enemies,

to our past so to our future,


we lie finally to ourselves.

Look, my friend, watch the clouds at the horizon... They say the incoming rain.

Could it be not made of the tears we gonna pour on the floor of tomorrow.

And so finaly, I will be dancing with the lifeless


On heaven’s book
You go knocking
With hope to enter
A merciful piece,
A paradise' place
Which would avoid
All evil’s faces
Settled as a hook.
Such place doesn’t exist
And it will be vain
To knock at any doors,
Thinking that behind,
Heaven and Hell
Can be separated,
Can be isolated.
Such place doesn’t exist.
As long as there is
Night gloom then day light,
Heaven and Hell
Are from the same material.
The two sides
Of one single whole.
Heaven as Hell
Exist only in us even,
Deep in our heart.
The battle settles there,
And nowhere else.

On heaven’s book
You go knocking
With hope to enter
A peaceful land.
and this land does exist.
Its name is
And it’s made
Of the same material
Than Heaven and Hell:
Dadicated to all Facebookers...

Facebook, or wherever, is what we do with...

Warrior of the Light

L'ennemi caché

Ses amis demandent au guerrier de la lumière d'où lui vient son énergie. " De l'ennemi caché ", dit-il.

Les amis demandent qui est cet ennemi.

Le guerrier répond : " Quelqu'un que nous ne pouvons pas frapper. "

Ce peut être un gamin qui l'a battu au cours d'une bagarre d'enfants, la petite amie qui l'a quitté quand il avait onze ans, le professeur qui le traitait d'idiot.

L'ennemi caché devient un stimulant. Quand il est abattu, le guerrier se rappelle qu'il ne sait pas jusqu'où peut aller son courage.

Il ne pense pas à la vengeance, parce que l'ennemi caché ne fait plus partie de son histoire. Il pense seulement à accroître son adresse, pour que ses exploits fassent le tour du monde et parviennent aux oreilles de celui qui l'a meurtri autrefois.

La douleur d'hier fait sa force d'aujourd'hui.


The hidden enemy

The friends of the warrior of the light wonder where his energy comes from. He answers: "from the hidden enemy."

His friends ask him who that is.

The warrior answers: "someone we cannot hurt."

It may be a boy who beat him in a fight when they were youngsters, the girlfriend who left him at the age of eleven, the teacher who called him stupid.

The hidden enemy becomes a stimulus. When the warrior is tired, he remembers that he has yet to show his courage.

He does not think about vengeance, because the hidden enemy is no longer part of his history. He thinks only of improving his skills so that his feats can be known to all and reach the ears of those who have hurt him in the past.

Yesterday's pain has become today's strength.

from/de Paulo COELHO