samedi 19 septembre 2009


there are those who scream and those who sing...

there are those who talk and those who act

there are those who creep and those who walk

there are those who suppose and those who understand

there are those who speak and those who listen to ... ...

there are those who pretend and those who demonstrate...

there are those who show off and those who are...

there are those who admire themselves through the others and those who admire the others through themselves.

there are those who count the day and those who count centuries... ..

there are those who dream they are and those who dream they could be...

there are those who make up and those who reveal...

there are those who hide and those who unveil...

there are those who care of the appearances and those who care about the meaning...

there are those who receive and those who give

there are those who give to get back and those who receive to give back more... ...

there are those who ask God for themselves and those who ask themselves to meet God...

there is the multitude of the vapid and the wonderful individual

there are those who want to look like Jennifer Lopez and those who look for themselves...

there is those who fantasize the impossible and those who dream the possible...

there are those who have a past and those who have a future...

there are billions of believers and few who have faith...

there is so many people speaking in the name of God and still so many wars...

there is the muscle's force and the strength of the spirit...

there are those who collect nice car to go nowhere and some who have a fucked one to go everywhere...

there is the one who want to have and the one who want to be...

there are those who arrange the truth to fit to their life and those who fit their life to the truth

Which one are you ?

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