Oil Spill – Photo Credit Reuter/cfnews13.com
A month after BP's Deepwater Horizon well exploded, oil continues gushing from the well and is coating beaches and marshland along the southern Louisiana coast. (Photo - John Moore/Getty Images)
Merci, Môssieur BPAmoco, alias Môssieur British Petroleum, cher membre de cette illustre confréries des sociétés de « l'or noir », de nous offrir ce merveilleux spectacle d'une nature une fois de plus ravagée par vos incompétences et votre avidité.
Et que l'on ne vienne pas me dire que c'est grâce à vous que je peux me déplacer en engin motorisé… Il existe depuis longtemps des solutions énergétiques bien moins polluantes et certainement moins coûteuses pour le consommateur si elles étaient mises en œuvre à grande échelle… mais certainement moins « rentables » pour vous et la cohorte de vos « actionnaires du deuil ».
Thank you, Mister BPAmoco, aka Mister British Petroleum, dear member of these illustrious brotherhood' societies of the "black gold", for giving us to see this wonderful show of a nature once again ravaged by your incompetence and your greed.
And do not tell me thanks to you I can drive my car... There is since long energy's solutions much cleaner and certainly less costly for consumers if they were produce in large scale ... but certainly less "profitable" for you and your "stockholders' cohort of mourning".
And do not tell me thanks to you I can drive my car... There is since long energy's solutions much cleaner and certainly less costly for consumers if they were produce in large scale ... but certainly less "profitable" for you and your "stockholders' cohort of mourning".
Satellite view – Photo Credit – Nasa
The Tonka Report Editor's Note: Let's make this clear: It's not 5,000 barrels a day gushing into the Gulf of Mexico as was originally reported. It's 70,000 barrels a day of toxic crude gushing out of this hole from hell… - SJH
Merci Môssieur Bush et Môssieur Cheney, pour avoir usé de votre rôle de gouvernants afin de satisfaire aux desideratas des pétroliers, vos amis, et couper court aux exigences de sécurité et supprimer des textes de loi l'obligation des systèmes acoustiques de sécurité, car trop onéreux… (Source : Mondialisation.ca)
L'installation de cet « interrupteur acoustique » coûte environ $ 500,000.
Coût, à ce jour » de l'opération "Top Kill" : tempête dans le golfe du Mexique: $ 930.000.000,00 (source Reuter)
C'est ce qui s'appelle « se tirer une balle dans le pied »…
Vos actionnaires ne vont pas être content… !
Sauf que vous, Môssieur Bush et Môssieur Cheney, et vos copains de l'ordre de « l'or noir », vous ne mourraient pas de cela.
Des centaines, des milliers d'êtres vivants, animaux et humains, eux, oui. Et pour longtemps.
Thank you Mister Bush and Mister Cheney, for exercising your role as leaders to meet the wishes of the oil company, your friends, members of the "black gold brotherhood", and cut short the security requirements and remove pieces of legislation the obligation of acoustic systems of security, because too expensive ... (Source: Mondialisation.ca)
The installation of this "acoustic switch" costs about $ 500,000.
Cost to date of the campaign "Top Kill" storm in the Gulf of Mexico: $ 930.000.000,00 (Source Reuter)
This is called "shooting itself in the foot" ...
Your stoskholders will rejoice ...!
Except you, Mister Bush and Mister Cheney, and your buddies from the order of the "black gold", you do not die of it. Hundreds, thousands of living beings, animals and humans, them, will. And for a long time.
The installation of this "acoustic switch" costs about $ 500,000.
Cost to date of the campaign "Top Kill" storm in the Gulf of Mexico: $ 930.000.000,00 (Source Reuter)
This is called "shooting itself in the foot" ...
Your stoskholders will rejoice ...!
Except you, Mister Bush and Mister Cheney, and your buddies from the order of the "black gold", you do not die of it. Hundreds, thousands of living beings, animals and humans, them, will. And for a long time.
A pod of Bottlenose dolphins swim under the oily water of Chandeleur Sound, La. Oil giant BP PLC's oil rig exploded April 20, in the Gulf of Mexico and oil is still pouring into the gulf. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
A boat passes through heavily oiled marsh near Pass a Loutre, Louisiana.
This is the future for all species of Mexico's golf
Merci pour eux, les pêcheurs désormais sans travail. Merci pour eux, les enfants désormais pataugeant dans la boue de pétrole brut. Merci pour eux, tous ceux qui mourront d'une manière ou d'une autre, d'avoir été en contact avec ce poison mortel. Merci pour eux, les employés de BP qui vont nettoyer les saloperies de leurs patrons. Merci pour la faune et la flore qui va disparaitre.
Merci pour nos enfants qui hériteront de cette pauvre planète mortellement mutilée…
Merci, merci, merci à vous, fils de p…
Merci, merci, merci à vous, fils de p…
Thank you for them, the fishermen now unemployed. Thank you for them, children now floundering in the mud of oil. Thank you for them, everyone who will die one way or another, to have been in contact with this deadly poison. Thank you for them, BP employees who will clean the filth from their bosses. Thank you for the fauna and flora that will disappear.
Thank you for our children who will inherit this poor planet fatally mutilated ...
Thank you, thank you, thank you, son of a b ...
Thank you for our children who will inherit this poor planet fatally mutilated ...
Thank you, thank you, thank you, son of a b ...
Petite documentation / Small documentation:
L'origine de la dynastie Rockefeller
Aux environs de 1860, « Old Bill » Rockefeller, marchand forain de spécialités pharmaceutiques, vendait des flacons de pétrole brut aux paysans naïfs, leur faisant croire que c'était un traitement contre le cancer. Il appelait son pétrole brut en flacon : « Nujol (New Oil : nouvelle huile) ».
L'affaire était prospère, il achetait une fiole de pétrole brut de 30 grammes à la Standard Oil pour 21 cents et la revendait 2 dollars.
Très peu cultivé, peu scrupuleux, sans connaissance ou formation médicale, avec quelques notions de comptabilité et une avidité féroce, il sut s'imposer. Le Nujol fut baptisé « cure contre la constipation » et fut largement commercialisé.
Cependant, des médecins découvrirent que le Nujol était nocif et provoquait des maladies graves, éliminant les vitamines liposolubles du corps.
La Standard Oil lutta contre la chute des ventes en ajoutant du carotène au pétrole brut pour parer à toute carence. Le sénateur Royal S. Coperland de New York était payé 75 000 dollars par an pour promouvoir le Nujol.
L'empire Rockefeller s'est construit grâce à cette formidable supercherie qui consiste à faire ingérer un dérivé de pétrole brut, enrichi au carotène, aux populations. C'est ainsi que les fondations de l'industrie pharmaco-chimique furent posées. Nous sommes bien loin des fondements des médecines chinoises, tibétaines ou perses...
Le succès commercial du Nujol permit de diversifier la production pharmaco-chimique et d'atteindre des sommets en terme de bénéfices. En 1948, le chiffre d'affaire annuel de la Rockefeller s'élevait à 10 millions de dollars. Le médicament Nujol existe toujours sous forme de paraffine pure, classé comme laxatif doux : il est recommandé pour la constipation chronique rebelle. Il est fabriqué par le laboratoire Fumouze. Hélas, il capitonne l'intestin et entraîne rapidement des carences graves.
The origin of the Rockefeller dynasty
Around 1860, "Old Bill" Rockefeller got tired of farming and decided to hang up a shingle and practice medicine. Well, somewhere between an office visit and a house call, the Rockefellers discovered oil. Bill was quite saddened that the automobile had yet to be invented, so he bottled up the crude oil, gave it a pretty name: Nujol (in fact a contraction of "New Oil" - SG], and sold it as a cancer cure. [Beal, The Drug Story]
Years later when the empirical sciences started blossoming (empiricism was quackery to the stodgy old school of medicine in most of the 19th century; empiricism meant "testing" one's theories [and therapies] and one just did not test because good science was good science and that is that) someone informed the Rockefellers that they really shouldn't call their Nujol a cancer cure since it wasn't curing any cancer and all it did was give you a good case of diarrhea. So Nujol became a laxative.
Next a group of scientists contacted the Rockefellers and warned them that their Nujol was actually doing damage. It seems that it pulled fat-soluble vitamins from those using it. The Rockefellers responded by fortifying Nujol with some vitamin A and released the new improved version of Nujol, which still leached vitamins and most likely caused cancer, but by the time scientists were about to confirm that Nujol, or mineral oil (it had been cleaned up a bit), was not a substance humans should be ingesting, the Rockefellers had taken control of the pharmaceutical industry and they quietly dropped Nujol from their pharmacopoeia while promoting other remedies that would eventually fall by the wayside, but in the meanwhile, these drugs (all obsolete today) helped these people of humble roots to become the richest people on earth [not: in fact the Rockefellers continued to sell "Nujol" until fairly recenty, but not with crude oil, as in the original version, but with paraffin oil, whihc also a substance that can not be processed by the human body.
Never once was a Rockefeller treatment labeled quackery, and as an aside, there is no museum of quackery in which a bottle of Nujol can be found.
Years later when the empirical sciences started blossoming (empiricism was quackery to the stodgy old school of medicine in most of the 19th century; empiricism meant "testing" one's theories [and therapies] and one just did not test because good science was good science and that is that) someone informed the Rockefellers that they really shouldn't call their Nujol a cancer cure since it wasn't curing any cancer and all it did was give you a good case of diarrhea. So Nujol became a laxative.
Next a group of scientists contacted the Rockefellers and warned them that their Nujol was actually doing damage. It seems that it pulled fat-soluble vitamins from those using it. The Rockefellers responded by fortifying Nujol with some vitamin A and released the new improved version of Nujol, which still leached vitamins and most likely caused cancer, but by the time scientists were about to confirm that Nujol, or mineral oil (it had been cleaned up a bit), was not a substance humans should be ingesting, the Rockefellers had taken control of the pharmaceutical industry and they quietly dropped Nujol from their pharmacopoeia while promoting other remedies that would eventually fall by the wayside, but in the meanwhile, these drugs (all obsolete today) helped these people of humble roots to become the richest people on earth [not: in fact the Rockefellers continued to sell "Nujol" until fairly recenty, but not with crude oil, as in the original version, but with paraffin oil, whihc also a substance that can not be processed by the human body.
Never once was a Rockefeller treatment labeled quackery, and as an aside, there is no museum of quackery in which a bottle of Nujol can be found.
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